File Reader fails to start after an upgrade on 64-bit Linux detection servers
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File Reader fails to start after an upgrade on 64-bit Linux detection servers


Article ID: 160493


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Discover


File Reader fails to start on 64-bit Linux servers after being upgraded with the following error:

Code    1302
Summary File Reader failed to start
Detail  Error starting File Reader. /opt/Vontu/Protect/lib/native/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 No incidents will be detected.


This condition is caused by running the 32-bit version of DLP on a 64-bit Linux system, which is not supported. During the upgrade, 64-bit versions of many binaries and libraries overwrite the 32-bit versions and corrupt the installation. To resolve this issue, perform the following steps:

1. Backup the /opt/Vontu/ directory.
2. Uninstall the DLP software.
3. Reinstall DLP using the 64-bit installer.
4. Restore any custom keystore or configuration files.