Scheduled Indexing of a Network Share fails with Event Code 3000
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Scheduled Indexing of a Network Share fails with Event Code 3000


Article ID: 160511


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Data Loss Prevention Enforce


Attempting index files on a Network Share repeatedly fails and never completes when the scheduled indexing is locked by another process.

The Sever Event Details page in the Enforce UI shows the following:

Code  3000
Summary  Protect Error 1001: Unexpected indexing error occurred.
Detail  Protect Error 1001: Unexpected indexing error occurred. Document profile wasn't created.


This issue happens because the file in the Network Share is locked by another process while the scheduled indexing is running.

If you are running a scheduled index at the same time from two Enforce servers you will likely encounter this issue. It is not recommended to index a Network Share at the same scheduled time by more than one Enforce server such as a Production and Test Enforce Servers as this would cause timeout issues before each can complete the indexing successfully.

You should therefore run the indexing at separate times or on only one Enforce Server at a time so neither of the Enforce Server's scheduled start-to-completion time affects the other Enforce Server.

In addition you might encounter this issue if another application such as an Anti-Virus or Backup software is scanning the file being indexed at the same time. In which case you should either create a scan exclusion or change the schedules so neither overlaps to cause a deadlock on the file being indexed.