How to match on content within XML tags
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How to match on content within XML tags


Article ID: 160529


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Enforce


When searching XML files, I seem to be able to match only on values and not tags.
Removing the XML declaration (e.g. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
?>) from the file allows the same regex to match on tags.


Under the Monitors Advanced settings, check for the following;

There is the option ContentExtraction.MarkupAsText – turning that to “on” should allow us to match within tags, otherwise they are ignored.

That setting is also described in the Online Help under i.e. the below link:

With the following definition:

"Bypasses Content Extraction for files that are determined to be XML or HTML. This setting should be used in cases where web pages contain data in the header block or script blocks. Default is off."