Unable to add email addresses containing a period "." into Trusted Domains or Users in the SMSMSE console.
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Unable to add email addresses containing a period "." into Trusted Domains or Users in the SMSMSE console.


Article ID: 160832


Updated On:


Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange



In Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange (SMSMSE) the option Trusted Domains or Users under Policies>Exceptions which allows you to exclude specific users generates an error when attempting to Deploy changes after adding a user containing a period before the @ symbol.


Trusted Domains or Users: At least one email or domain address should be specified.  All the specified addresses must be valid.




There is an issue with Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange which disallows the usage of a period "." in an email address within Trusted Domains or Users.

Example of invalid email address:  [email protected]

Example of a valid email address:  [email protected]




We have created a hotfix to address this issue.  Please download the attachment Symantec.Cmaf.UI.Core.dll.zip, below.

To apply the hotfix:

  1. Close SMSMSE Admin Console.
  2. Navigate to <install path to Symantec>\CMaF\2.3\bin
  3. Locate Symantec.Cmaf.UI.Core.dll.  Rename to orig_Symantec.Cmaf.UI.Core.dll
  4. Extract contents of Symantec.Cmaf.UI.Core.dll.zip to <install path to Symantec>\CMaF\2.3\bin
  5. Open SMSMSE Admin Console and attempt adding and deploying new user containing a period.






Symantec.Cmaf.UI.Core.dll.zip get_app