How to generate an email Alert when a Virus definition or Spam rule update fails on SMSMSE.
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How to generate an email Alert when a Virus definition or Spam rule update fails on SMSMSE.


Article ID: 161575


Updated On:


Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange


You wish to know how to generate an email Alert when a Virus definition or Spam rule update fails on SMSMSE.


Any failure to update Live Update Antivirus definitions or Symantec Premium Antispam rules will trigger an appropriate Event in the Windows Application Event Log.

To generate an Email alert from the Windows Application log for an Event:

  1. If the Event is present in the Application event log, right-click and select "Attach Task to this event...".
  2. If the event is not present, right-click on another event and select "Attach Task to this event..." (the event ID and source can be modified afterwards).
  3. Give a name such as "SPA update failed", select "Next".
  4. Select "Send an Email", select "Next".
  5. Complete the Email content details and specify the SMTP server. Select "Next".
  6. To modify the event source and ID, select the tick box "Open the Properties dialog box for this task..." (or modify in Task Scheduler).
  7. Go to "Triggers > Edit" and set the Source and Event ID appropriately.

Some of the Events that you may wish to create events for are as follows:

LU and SPA Event ID's
Event ID Severity Source Message
35 Error LiveUpdate LiveUpdate was unable to complete successfully
36 Error LiveUpdate LiveUpdate was unable to complete successfully
38 Error LiveUpdate LiveUpdate exited with an unknown result
71 Error LiveUpdate LiveUpdate retrieved new files but the virus definitions could not be updated
221 Error ConsoleCommunication An error occurred with LiveUpdate. Check the event log for further details
226 Error ConsoleLiveUpdate Unable to obtain virus definition set version. Run LiveUpdate to obtain or repair these files
295 Warning LiveUpdate Virus definitions can not be updated because your content license has expired
326 Error SpamFilterEngine Failed to load heuristic anti-spam engine.  SPAM.DAT and/or SPAM.NET files may be missing or corrupt
341 Error SpamFilterEnginePremium Failed to load Symantec Premium AntiSpam engine
0 Warning SpamFilterEnginePremium Symantec Mail Security has failed to re-initialize the Premium AntiSpam engine.
407 Warning SpamFilterEnginePremium The spam configuration file update encountered errors