Using Chrome, Internet Explorer (IE), or the Opera Browsers will not save the Data Center Security (DCS) Server certificate permanently.
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Using Chrome, Internet Explorer (IE), or the Opera Browsers will not save the Data Center Security (DCS) Server certificate permanently.


Article ID: 161759


Updated On:


Data Center Security Server Advanced


For Mozilla Firefox, acceptance of the DCS Server SSL certificate is a 1-time operation. With Opera, Chrome and IE, acceptance of the certificate is required each time the browser is restarted.


 When accessing the DCS Server API documentation, IE, Chrome, and Opera will prompt the user with an “Advanced” link and then a “Proceed to <<DCS Server>> (unsafe)” link:

  • Click “Advanced”
  • Click “Proceed to <<DCS Server address>> (unsafe)”
  • Note: You will receive the a notice that “You can now configure a Security Virtual Appliance.“, even after you have already successfully done this before. The notice in UMC  will go away after you “Proceed to <<DCS Server address>> (unsafe)”

The certificate for the DCS Server API documentation page will then be accepted into the browser’s session (but not saved permanently).  An “unauthorized” message is acceptable at this point if the DCS Server configuration has not yet completed setup the UMC webportal.  Navigate to the UMC webportal homepage to continue DCS Server setup.  Once setup has completed the UMC webportal will save an authentication token in the browser’s session to allow access to the DCS Server API documentation and other administrative web pages.