After uninstalling Arellia unable to edit assets
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After uninstalling Arellia unable to edit assets


Article ID: 161895


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


After upgrading to 7.5 and successfully uninstalling Arellia, the computer asset edit window will open to display the following error : "An error occurs when loading the page, please check log for detail"

 Error in the Altiris Log Viewer :

Exception encountered: Altiris.NS.Exceptions.AeXException: Failed to perform bind for ResourceAssociationTypeEdit control for GUID = '4aafad02-4ef3-48ef-82e6-6822a82f8da5'. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Altiris.AssetContractCommon.Controls.MetaAssociationControl.DataBindTable(DataTable tableToBind) at Altiris.AssetContractCommon.Controls.MetaAssociationControl.DataBind() at Altiris.AssetContractCommon.Controls.ResourceDetailsEditCtrl.BindControls(IDictionary controlDictionary) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Altiris.AssetContractCommon.Controls.ResourceDetailsEditCtrl.BindControls(IDictionary controlDictionary) at Altiris.AssetContractCommon.Controls.ResourceDetailsEditCtrl.DataBind() at Altiris.AssetContractCommon.Web.Manager.EditCreateResource.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)


Remnants of Arellia associations are still in the database and were not removed by the un installer


Open the SQL Management Studio

Run the following query against the CMDB :

insert into ItemToDelete(Guid)

select rat.Guid

from ResourceAssociationType rat 

join Item i on rat.Guid = i.Guid where ProductGuid in (

















Open the Windows Task Scheduler on the Symantec Management Platform server and run the task 'NS. Quarter-Hour task '
Open a new CMD window with administrator rights and run iisreset