Unable to reach UI for a Symantec Virtual Edition appliance
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Unable to reach UI for a Symantec Virtual Edition appliance


Article ID: 162091


Updated On:


Endpoint Detection and Response Advanced Threat Protection Platform Web Gateway Messaging Gateway


You seek to reach the user interface (UI) for one of the following product appliance models, but are not able to navigate to the expected URL of the UI.
  • Symantec Messaging Gateway (SMG)
  • Symantec Advanced Threat Protection: Network (SATP:N)
  • Symantec Web Gateway (SWG)
Name lookup utilities such as dig or nslookup resolve the name of the VE appliance to an IP address, but ping output includes "No route to host".


Connect management computers to the Management network within VMWare.

Use the remote administration tools authorized by your organization's security team to connect to one of these management consoles, then navigate to the UI from that authorized administration console.