Message Audit Log may not show results for a Custom time period
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Message Audit Log may not show results for a Custom time period


Article ID: 162370


Updated On:


Messaging Gateway


When using the calendar widget on Message Audit Log to search a specific date/time range for processed messages, results may not show up if web interface language or system locale have been changed.


A likely cause of this behaviour is changing the Symantec Messaing Gateway's Control Center locale settings, or switching to a different language for the web interface without restarting the web browser client.

The calendar widget used in Symantec Messaing Gateway’s Message Audit Log will keep the language settings for the active/current web session. 


After selecting a different Control Center locale or web interface language, please close and reopen the web browser client.

Should a different behaviour be required for this function, please refer to the Symantec Connect Forums's Idea section: