Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange (SMSMSE) fails to filter Bulk, Newsletter and other unwanted messages types.
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Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange (SMSMSE) fails to filter Bulk, Newsletter and other unwanted messages types.


Article ID: 162666


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Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange


You are receiving a large number of unwanted emails that are not being detected as Spam or Suspected Spam.  Many of these emails appear to be Newsletters or Marketing type emails.


Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange (SMSMSE) by default only monitors for messages classified strictly as Spam messages.  Other unwanted messages types such as Bulk marketing emails, Newsletter emails, and suspicious URLs are not identified.


These features are available in SMSMSE 7.5.4 and later. When these features are enabled, the messages meeting these criteria are classified as "Suspected Spam" and the action for Suspected Spam under Policies -> Premium AntiSpam Actions is taken.

To enable detection of Marketing Emails, News letter Emails, or Suspicious URLs:

  1. In the SMSMSE console, navigate to Policies -> Premium Antispam Settings.
  2. To detect Marketing emails as Suspected Spam, check the box next to "Marketing Email".
  3. To detect News letters as Suspected Spam, check the box next to "News letter". 
  4. To detect Suspicious URLs as Suspected Spam, check the box next to "Suspected URL".