Package Server fails to download package with error: The token supplied to the function is invalid (0x80090308)
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Package Server fails to download package with error: The token supplied to the function is invalid (0x80090308)


Article ID: 162756


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


A Package Server is attempting to download a package that was previously replicated down to a Child SMP from the Parent SMP. The PS reports to the Child SMP, and, when making the request for package information (GetPackageInfo.aspx) the PS was redirected to the parent. But the request failed with a sequence of informational and error events similar to the following:

1.   Description: Begin download for package: Google Chrome 65.119.72 - English (United States) {419FF3BE-4A69-496C-B05D-38624650FAF6}

2.   Description: Beginning download for package id: {419FF3BE-4A69-496C-B05D-38624650FAF6}.


3.   Description:   Download package sources from: https://smp-w2k8-ch-02.example.local:443/Altiris/NS/Agent/GetPackageInfo.aspx?xml=<request resource="{B37CFE97-C7BE-4760-BD51-44BD75F6AF6F}" version="1" type="packageServers" compress="1" totalTime="391804" totalFailureTime="391804">


            <package guid="{419FF3BE-4A69-496C-B05D-38624650FAF6}"/>



            <address ip=""/>




4.   Description:  HTTP request redirected from https://smp-w2k8-ch-02.example.local:443/Altiris/NS/Agent/GetPackageInfo.aspx?xml=<request resource="{B37CFE97-C7BE-4760-BD51-44BD75F6AF6F}" version="1" type="packageServers" compress="1" totalTime="391804" totalFailureTime="391804">


            <package guid="{419FF3BE-4A69-496C-B05D-38624650FAF6}"/>



            <address ip=""/>



 to HTTP://SMP-W2K8-P-01.example.local/Altiris/NS/Agent/GetPackageInfo.aspx?xml=%3crequest%20resource%3d%22%7bB37CFE97-C7BE-4760-BD51-44BD75F6AF6F%7d%22%20version%3d%221%22%20type%3d%22packageServers%22%20compress%3d%221%22%20totalTime%3d%22391804%22%20totalFailureTime%3d%22391804%22%20hostIP%3d%22192.168.3.20%22%3e%3cpackages%3e%3cpackage%20guid%3d%22%7b419FF3BE-4A69-496C-B05D-38624650FAF6%7d%22%20%2f%3e%3c%2fpackages%3e%3caddresses%3e%3caddress%20ip%3d%22192.168.3.20%22%20%2f%3e%3c%2faddresses%3e%3c%2frequest%3e&redirect=true


5Description:  Operation 'Connect' failed.

Protocol: HTTPS

Original Host: smp-w2k8-ch-02.example.local:443

Real Host: SMP-W2K8-P-01.example.local:80

Path: /

Http status: 0

Id: {4EDFCA0D-4EFE-4464-8EC1-54F709761BE2}

Error type: Handshake error

Error result: 0x80090308

Error code: 0

Error note: The token supplied to the function is invalid

Error message: The token supplied to the function is invalid


6Description: Download package sources failed: The token supplied to the function is invalid (0x80090308)

7Description:  Error while downloading package: The token supplied to the function is invalid (0x80090308)

8.   Description:   Retry package: id={419FF3BE-4A69-496C-B05D-38624650FAF6} delay=180 secs at=12/18/2015 12:07:35 AM causedDelay=1 earliestRetryTime=


The Package Server had previously been in communication with another SMP server and had the security key of that server cached instead of the key of the SMP it was currently being managed by. The token/key was cached in folders under “C:\ProgramData\Symantec\Symantec Agent\Ldb


  1. Stop the Symantec Management Agent Service.
  2. Delete all folders and their contents under “C:\ProgramData\Symantec\Symantec Agent\Ldb
  3. Start the Symantec Management Agent service.

With the secure store information removed the SMA will register with the current server again and request the security information for all packages again as it loads its list of packages. With the new security information should be the correct keys/tokens to download the packages from the parent (which will also provide its security keys when the PS registers with it again).