Ghost Solution Suite 3.x Linux and WinPE x86 automation environment compatibility with uEFI hardware
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Ghost Solution Suite 3.x Linux and WinPE x86 automation environment compatibility with uEFI hardware


Article ID: 162798


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Ghost Solution Suite


A uEFI system won't boot properly using the Ghost Solution Suite 3.x a x86 Windows PE or Linux PE automation environment.  

A failure to boot may be seen if automation folders are being used while booting from USB, ISO or automation folders.   The following PXE error may be seen if trying to PXE boot to the x86 Windows PE or Linux PE package. 

PXE-E23: Client received TFTP error from server.


A system configured for uEFI only booting then must use a uEFI compatible boot package. The x86 Windows PE and the Linux Pe package that is provided with Ghost Solution Suite 3 currently does not support uEFI native environments.


Many hardware manufacturers have an option to allow a system to be booted in a legacy mode. Making this change would allow the continued use of the selected automation environment.  Alternatively, using an x64 version of a Windows PE boot package will allow support of both legacy and uEFI machines.