Reconnect the Application Server with the CCS databases after the IP and hostname of SQL server is changed.
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Reconnect the Application Server with the CCS databases after the IP and hostname of SQL server is changed.


Article ID: 162927


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Control Compliance Suite Control Compliance Suite Standards Server Control Compliance Suite Standards Module


How to reconnect the Application Server with Control Compliance Suite (CCS) databases when the IP and Hostname of the remote SQL Server hosting the CCS databases is changed.


Backup the CCS ADAM and SQL databases and keep them at a safe location.

See Backing up the Control Compliance Suite ADAM and SQL databases

  • Make sure that you have consulted Microsoft before changing the IP and the Hostname of the SQL Server. It should not have any impact on the existing databases. The databases need to be up after this change. Involve a SQL DBA if required.
    1. Once the change is done you have two options to update the SQL Server settings on the Application Server.
    2. Make sure that the CCS Console is up and running while you change the IP & the Hostname of the SQL server.
    3. Once done, within the CCS Console-

Navigate to Settings > Database Settings > Production Database, and enter the new SQL Server details and click Update

Next, navigate to Settings > Database Settings > Report Database, and enter the new SQL Server details and click Update

  • Close the CCS Console and relaunch it to make sure it is functional again.
  • If you don't have the CCS console open when the change is made, you can also make use of the utility "Symantec.CSM.ConfigureServiceAccount.exe" located <Install Dir>:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\CCS\Reporting and Analytics\Application Server folder.
    1. Select the option Change Service Account, and click Next.
    2. Then select Application Server Service, and click Next.
    3. Put the existing Service Account Information as it is, and click Next.
    4. Then put the Passphrase for the Application Server Service and Encryption Management Service.
    5. In the next screen enter in the updated details of the SQL Server.  Check the box "Use same for Reporting" if your reporting database "CSM_Reports" is also on the same SQL Server as the "CSM_Db" database.
    6. Click Next, Finish
  • Then restart all the CCS Services on the Application Server and relaunch the CCS Console to check to make sure everything is working.