"Incorrect Password" displayed while adding Scheduled Job Credentials using a remote CCS console.
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"Incorrect Password" displayed while adding Scheduled Job Credentials using a remote CCS console.


Article ID: 163474


Updated On:


Control Compliance Suite Control Compliance Suite Standards Server


"Incorrect Password" displayed while adding Scheduled Job Credentials under Admin > Schedule Job Credentials on a remote CCS console.

NOTE: This issue is not present for Users having access to the CCS console installed on the Application Server machine.


CCS 12.6.x


If controlled delegation is setup in CCS, the user logged in to the Remote Console will not be able to update the password in Scheduled Job Credentials if they are not added in the Allow log on locally User Rights Assignment on the Application Server.



To resolve this issue, add the Remote CCS Console User to "Allow Log on Locally" User Right Assignment on the Application Server machine.