CSP agent shows a circle with diagonal line and a red flag in the Java Console
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CSP agent shows a circle with diagonal line and a red flag in the Java Console


Article ID: 163616


Updated On:


Critical System Protection Data Center Security Server Advanced


Symantec Critical System Protection (SCSP) agent shows a circle with diagonal line and a red flag in the Java console that will not automatically clear.

SCSP agent shows a circle with diagonal line and a red flag for a long time and won't disappear.


IPS function has been disabled when installing client at the first time.

Circle with diagonal line means prevention is completely disabled.

Red flag means policy is being applied but has not completed yet.


  1. logon OS as root, run command
    1. #su - sisips
  2. go to IPS folder
    1. suse11sp2:~> cd /opt/Symantec/scspagent/IPS/
  3. run ./sisipsconfig.sh -i

System will show "The Prevention Feature is enabled. You must reboot to complete the change."

Now restart server

If OS show "Permission denied", when you run the command # su - sisips

You should run the command as below to promote root permission


Then run #su - sisips again


You should make sure that the root user has been added in override option IPS policy.

Open a IPS policy, click Policy Override

add root user to this option


After steps above, the DCS client get back to normal status.