Oracle data collection job fails with error 'ORA-01031: insufficient privileges' in Control Compliance Suite (CCS)
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Oracle data collection job fails with error 'ORA-01031: insufficient privileges' in Control Compliance Suite (CCS)


Article ID: 164026


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Control Compliance Suite Databases Oracle Control Compliance Suite Control Compliance Suite Standards Server


Oracle data collection fails with error: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges


Minimum privileges required for Oracle data collection were missing.


Please refer the Symantec Control Compliance Suite Data Collection Privileges Guide, Chapter 3  "Privileges for Oracle"  (attached to this KB).

Note: These are privileges related to predefined Oracle standards. If you have custom standard that includes 'Check' depend on some other entity then it may have to obtain information from different table, Database,Schema,View,etc.. The oracle user mentioned on Oracle data collection should have access to that particular entity for successful data collection.  


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