VIP Access Mobile Error 5001
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VIP Access Mobile Error 5001


Article ID: 164102


Updated On:


VIP Service


VIP Access Mobile error 5001 during initial launch or PUSH notifications.

Error 5001: Networking Error


This error is caused by a network connection between the device and the Symantec VIP servers. 


Reboot the device and try again.

Update VIP Access to the latest version available from either Google Play or the Apple App Store. Allow VIP Access to update automatically to ensure the latest version is always installed onto your device. 

If the problem persists, test the VIP mobile app at this site. Accept the test PUSH, then test again by selecting the Test with a Security Code option. If both tests are successful, the credential is working properly.

If the test is successful but the 5001 error persists elsewhere, contact the administrator of the resource you are attempting to access. 

Lastly, uninstall and reinstall the VIP Access application. (note: this will generate a new Credential ID that will need to be re-registered with the site you are logging into. Access the self-service portal or your helpdesk so the new credential can be assigned to you).