Error "Failed to install Management Server webserver service. You should restart your computer and try again."
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Error "Failed to install Management Server webserver service. You should restart your computer and try again."


Article ID: 164262


Updated On:


Endpoint Protection


During Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) upgrade from 12.1 to 14.0 the Management Configuration Wizard (MCW) fails with the following error:

"Failed to install Management Server webserver service. You should restart your computer and try again."

The issue persists after restarting the server and running "<SEPM FOLDER>\bin\upgrade.bat" manually.

NOTE: By default SEPM installs to the following folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager


"Failed to install Management Server webserver service. You should restart your computer and try again."



This error is observed when the Apache Web Server cannot uninstall itself during the Management Server Configuration Wizard.  One possible reason follows:

The following parameter in "<SEPM FOLDER>\apache\conf\ssl\ssl.conf" causes the MCW to fail. This parameter appears towards the bottom of the ssl.conf file.

SSLDHParametersFile "conf/ssl/dh2048.pem"



Before you make any changes to the ssl.conf using a text editor like Notepad, please make sure to create a backup copy.

  1. Use a text editor to edit the ssl.conf.
  2. Please place a number sign in front of this parameter in the ssl.conf so that it reads:

    # SSLDHParametersFile "conf/ssl/dh2048.pem"
  3. Save the changes to the ssl.conf.
  4. Run "upgrade.bat" from "<SEPM FOLDER>\bin" to resume the upgrade and complete the upgrade process by following the rest of the wizard.

If this fails, back up the Server Private Key Backup folder and the database and uninstall the current version of the SEPM.  Then perform a disaster recovery, restoring the DB backup into the new SEPM version.