VIP Enterprise Gateway Validation Server does not start when a comma and backslash is in the User Distinguished Name for the Bind Information of the User Store
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VIP Enterprise Gateway Validation Server does not start when a comma and backslash is in the User Distinguished Name for the Bind Information of the User Store


Article ID: 164507


Updated On:


VIP Service


When attempting to start the Validation Server, you see the following error:

Server validation was not started

This error appears in the server.log file:

ERROR "text=code=49 desc=ldap_bind_s():Failed Invalid Credentials" Thread-3224 VSValidationServer.cpp

However, you do not receive an error when setting up your User Store.


This error occurs if User Distinguished Name for the Binding Information of the User Store has forward slash ( \ ) and a comma.  For example:

CN=test\, test,CN=Users,DC=acme,DC=com

Most likely, the forward slash is being used as a delimiter if there is a comma in the Display Name for the user.


If there is a comma in the Display Name for the user, place double quotes around the common name information.  For example:

CN="test, test",CN=Users,DC=acme,DC=com

After you have updated the Binding User Information, restart the Validation Server.