VIP Access Desktop | How to turn off the check for updates functionality
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VIP Access Desktop | How to turn off the check for updates functionality


Article ID: 164511


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VIP Service


 How to turn off the check for VIP Access Desktop updates functionality.


VIP Access Desktop


A user can click on the tool icon on the upper right hand corner > settings > and uncheck the “check for updates automatically” box.

Administrators can control the default behavior of the VIP Access Desktop by setting registry keys. The registry keys are located in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\VIP Access Client], (or [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Symantec\VIP Access Client] on 64-bit systems). The key/values are:
 _PolicyRegistrationAlert – This key controls whether the VIP Access Desktop client should automatically alert the user that the site being accessed supports VIP.
 _PolicyAutoFill - This key controls whether the VIP Access Desktop client should automatically inject VIP Access Desktop credential ID and security code data to the VIP registration and authentication pages within a given VIP-enabled site.
 _PolicyLiveUpdate - This key controls whether the VIP Access Desktop client should periodically check for new VIP Access Desktop software updates.
 _PolicyAutoWhitelist - This key controls whether the VIP Access Desktop client should periodically check for new VIP-enabled web sites.
If these keys do not exist, the features controlled by these keys will be enabled. If a key exists and is set to “0” (REG_SZ), that feature will always be disabled for the user. If a key exists and it is set to “1” (REG_SZ), that feature will always be enabled for the user.