Symantec VIP Manager error: 500 Internal server error when running reports in VIP Manager
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Symantec VIP Manager error: 500 Internal server error when running reports in VIP Manager


Article ID: 164596


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VIP Service


This occurs primarily with organizations with a large number of users and\or credentials. 

500 - Internal server error


The session time-out in VIP Manager is ~5 minutes. If a large amount of data exists within the date range specified in the report parameters, the page will time-out if the process takes > 5 minutes.


The VIP development team is currently working on a solution. To prevent the error, narrow your report range to a shorter time period. For example, to get the results from the past 30-days , break the request up into 2 reports: Report #1 from the 1-15;  report #2 from the 15th to the last day.

Note: Only 1 off-line report should be run at a time.