VMM inventory task fails instantly with failed status and no errors in logs.
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VMM inventory task fails instantly with failed status and no errors in logs.


Article ID: 165116


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Virtual Machine Management


VMM inventory task fails instantly with failed status and no errors in logs.


Virtual Machine Management 8.0 and later


Within an environment with multiple task servers, a site server is picked to run the VMM inventory task targeting the hypervisor based on several criterias such as (subnet, site assignments, count of registered clients etc.).

To run VMM inventory on a site server, VMM Task Handler and (Pluggable Protocol Architecture (PPA) must be installed on the Task Site Server. However, it is recommended to let SMP task service handle VMM inventory as long as the targeted hypervisor is reachable via SMP and all required ports and traffic can pass between SMP and hypervisor.


To validate that the fail cause matches the description above run the below SQL query against Symantec CMDB, then investigate the logs of the  Task site server which attempted to run VMM inventory task. It should display errors regarding missing assembly (Virtual Machine Management or Pluggable Protocol)

-- VMM inventory task instances information which ran today
SELECT    tec.TaskInstanceGuid, tec.ResourceGuid, vc1.Name
, tec.TaskServerGuid, vc2.Name
, tec.InstanceType, tec.InstanceStatus
, tec.StartTime, tec.EndTime, tec.Result
from TaskInstancesCompleted tec
join vComputer vc1 on vc1.Guid = tec.ResourceGuid
join vComputer vc2 on vc2.Guid = tec.TaskServerGuid
WHERE tec.StartTime > CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 102)
and tec.TaskVersionGuid =  --'5b28ed82-7cb5-4a13-8ac1-63274ba717be'
(select top 1 iv.VersionGuid from ItemVersions iv where iv.ItemGuid = '926ba814-4151-421f-9be7-fbf60eb36580' order by iv.Version DESC )


If the hypervisor(s) are reachable by SMP and all required ports / traffic can pass between SMP and the hypervisors, manually assign the targeted hypervisor or all hypervisors filter "All discovered hypervisors" to SMP task service.

  • From Altiris Console menu, Settings, Notification Server, Site Servers Settings
  • On the left panel expand "Site Servers", then SMP name, then select "Manually Assign Agents"
  • Click on the "New" icon, and select or create a new filter which contains hypervisors to be inventoried directly by SMP task service.
  • It might take few minutes for the change to take effect.

Option 2
Follow Virtual Machine Management guide / white paper to install required components on task site servers getting the VMM inventory task assigned.