Does the Edge SWG (ProxySG) appliance have a CLI command to terminate active sessions?
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Does the Edge SWG (ProxySG) appliance have a CLI command to terminate active sessions?


Article ID: 165686


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ProxySG Software - SGOS ASG-S200 SG-S200 SG-S400 SG-S500


The Edge SWG (ProxySG) appliance does have the CLI command to terminate active session(s) starting with SGOS


Prior to, To terminate active sessions, you must select sessions one-by-one and terminate them. In the Management Console, select Statistics > Sessions > Active Sessions. Select a session and click Terminate Session.

In and later you can use the following commands

# active-sessions <session_type> {list | terminate} <filter>


  • <session_type> specifies the type of active session:
    • adn-inbound
    • bypassed-connections
    • proxied-sessions
  • list: Displays a list of connections or sessions of the specified type and filter(s)
  • terminate: Terminates connections or sessions of the specified type and filter(s); not applicable to bypassed connections
  • <filter> specifies one or more of the following connections or sessions to list or terminate:
    • all: All connections or sessions
    • client-address=<IP_address>: Requests from the specified client address
    • client-port=<port_number>: Requests from the specified client port
    • errors={active|all}: Active errored sessions, or all errored sessions
    • limit=<maximum_number_of_entries>: Number of sessions to display in output; by default, 20 are listed
    • proxy=<proxy_type>: Proxy type such as "TCP Tunnel" or "HTTP"
    • service=<service_name>: Service name such as "External HTTP" or "Default TCP"
    • server-address=<IP_address_or_hostname>: Responses from the specified server address
    • server-port=<port_number>: Responses from the specified server port