Procedure to create an action file to have the PacketShaper send out an email when the CPU utilization is over 80%
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Procedure to create an action file to have the PacketShaper send out an email when the CPU utilization is over 80%


Article ID: 165839


Updated On: 02-03-2025


PacketShaper S-Series PacketShaper


You would like to use the adaptive response feature to send you an email notification when the PacketShaper CPU utilization is over 80%.


System Load is the adaptive response agent for which you will create an action file.

  1. Go to the Adaptive Response setup page.
  2. Click edit next to the System Load agent.
  3. On the Edit Agent Entry page, click browse files.
  4. Click new cmd file.
  5. For the filename, type sendmail (any name, 8 characters or less).
  6. In the contents block, type in the following command:

    send email $emailaddress $subject_heading $message_to_admin
  7. Save the command file.
  8. In the Red Action File text box, enter sendmail.cmd, then click ok which will take you back to the Adaptive Response setup page. You should see sendmail.cmd listed under the Red Action File column of the System Load agent.
  9. Click edit next to the System Load agent.
  10. Enter the RedThreshold value (80), Red Action input emailaddress, Red Action input message_to_admin, Red Action input subject_heading, and then click the OK button to save the settings.

Note: In order to receive emails, ensure that the email server is configured on the Email setup page (Advanced UI -> Setup -> Select Email under "Choose Setup Page:").

For more information, see Action Files Overview  in PacketGuide.