Configure the Cloud SWG to bypass a website
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Configure the Cloud SWG to bypass a website


Article ID: 166023


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Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG


Bypass a website from going through Cloud SWG (formerly known as WSS).



Cloud SWG.



Cannot connect to remote Web site through Cloud SWG due to Web site restrictions on IP address or GEO locations.


Bypass steps depend on your access method.


For IPsec, perform a nslookup on the site and then set up a rule on the firewall and router to bypass the IP address of the site. The traffic to the site will not go through the IPsec tunnel.

  • WSS Agent (Windows and Mac)/Explicit Proxy

Login to the Web Portal and go to Connectivity -> Bypassed Traffic -> Bypassed IPs/Subnets: -> +Add  -> IPs/Subnets.  Enter the IP address and save.

  • Proxy Forwarding
    • Have the proxy bypass the site. If this is an explicit proxy and you use a proxy PAC file, add the site to the proxy PAC file. 
    • If this is a transparent proxy, add the address to the bypass list so it goes direct. You might need to change firewall and router rules to allow the clients to go directly to those websites.