How to create a TCP Tunnel policy?
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How to create a TCP Tunnel policy?


Article ID: 166363


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ProxySG Software - SGOS


Tunneling is a way to forward TCP traffic. Any application protocol running over TCP can be tunneled using this service. Client-server applications carry out any authentication procedures just as they do when TCP tunneling is not involved.




To Create a TCP Tunnel.

  1. Go to Configuration > Services > Proxy Services and click on + Add Service.
  2. Provide a unique Service Name
  3. (Optional) Select the Service Group (by default it goes to Standard)
  4. Select the Proxy Type as TCP Tunnel from the dropdown
  5. Uncheck the Detect Protocol box (it is checked by default)

  6. Click on + Add Listener
  7. (Optional) Set the Source Address
  8. Set the Destination as desired (All, Transparent, Explicit, or Specific)
  9. Set the port (or port range)
  10. Set action to Intercept

  11. Press Add, then Apply, then Save . . . then Save Changes, then Close


Now go to the Visual Policy Manager and create a rule in Web Access Layer to allow users to access the service.

To set the service as it displays in the following screenshot:

  1. click on the "any" below the service header
  2. click on set
  3. click on + Add a new object
  4. click on Service Name
  5. Select your new service from the dropdown menu
  6. click Apply, then Set
  7. Click on the "Deny" below the Action header
  8. Click on Allow

Do not forget to apply the policy, afterwards, in order to take effect.