Reporter stops processing logs
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Reporter stops processing logs


Article ID: 166857


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Logs are building up in the log source directory.

Reporter is running.

Reporter is sending out memory alerts "Physical server memory usage has climbed above the 85%".


View the Reporter journal file displaying errors like the following: 

ALERT raised: Physical server memory usage has climbed above the 85% (60.35 GB) warning threshold -- currently 85% (60.59 of 71.00 GB)


Unable to initiate database expire (database not loaded) for scheduled event database_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (database_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 26) 

The "x" represent the database in question.

Reporter must have enough  physical memory to load the necessary files into RAM. If not enough memory is available, Reporter stops processing access logs and issues memory alerts.

NOTE: From the GUI, the lack of available memory is obvious because the database doesnot load (due to lack of memory).