What's the difference between the commands "setup urlcategory test" and "setup urlcategory update"?
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What's the difference between the commands "setup urlcategory test" and "setup urlcategory update"?


Article ID: 167381


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The setup urlcategory test command is used to for find out if a URL is in the PacketShaper cache.

The setup urlcategory update command is used to find out the category for a URL that is not in the PacketShaper cache; the command retrieves the category from the WebPulse server.

# setup urlcategory update www.yahoo.com

<<Search Engines/Portals>>

If you use  setup urlcategory test command on a URL that is not in cache, the result will display no categorization found for <URL>. This is because the setup urlcategory test command only retrieves the URL categories that are cached. 

# setup urlcategory test www.yahoo.com

No categorization for www.yahoo.com found.

Note: The URL cache is stored in system memory, so the contents will be removed if the PacketShaper is reset or loses power.

If you believe that a URL ia not being categorized accurately, send your feedback to http://sitereview.bluecoat.com/sitereview.jsp.

For additional information, please refer to https://bto.bluecoat.com/webguides/packetguide/current/nav/overviews/url-categories-overview.htm