Security Analytics Central Manager CMC error codes
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Security Analytics Central Manager CMC error codes


Article ID: 168237


Updated On:


Security Analytics


How the error codes work:

The following error conditions are assigned the listed value:

A.    Couldn’t create system user +2
B.    Couldn’t create db user +4
C.    VPN is not running +8
D.    VPN is not connected +16

Multiple error conditions may exist at once, in which case the values are added together, i.e. 8 + 16.

The error code in the CMC user interface (UI) will be the sum of the error condition values, plus a constant of 10.

For example, if there is a VPN problem where the VPN software is both not running (+8) and not connected (+16), the UI will present an error value of 34.

Given an error code in the UI, the error condition(s) can be determined by subtracting 10 and determining which of the listed conditions add up to the resulting number.

For example if the UI shows error 34, subtract 10 to get 24. The error conditions which add up to 24 are "8" (VPN not running) and "16" (VPN not connected).