Granular Administrative Roles in Cloud SWG Portal.
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Granular Administrative Roles in Cloud SWG Portal.


Article ID: 168539


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Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG


In the Cloud SWG product, are there more than the two role types (Admin and Reporting)?



Cloud SWG Portal.


A new role named "Reviewer" was added to the Cloud SWG Portal to allow read-only access to all areas of the Cloud SWG portal for personnel that would need to be able to access all configuration details without needing to make any changes (auditor type of roles).

In addition to this new role you can now apply multiple roles to a user and set a default role.

When a user with multiple roles logs in the portal they access it using the default role.

Role switching is available via the User profile as illustrated here (top right corner of the portal):

Additional Information

Broadcom Techdocs: Assign a Cloud SWG Administrator Based on Role.