How to enable reflect client IP for a particular URL?
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How to enable reflect client IP for a particular URL?


Article ID: 168595


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ProxySG Software - SGOS


When a ProxySG appliance intercepts user transactions, it will use its own IP address as the source for communication to origin content servers. There are some cases where client IP reflection is needed only for a certain URL. Rather than enable it globally, this article details how to use policy to reflect the client's IP address when the ProxySG appliance communicates upstream.



In cases where Client IP reflection is needed for a certain URL, you can define policy using reflect_ip(client) as follows:

<proxy> reflect_ip(client)

NOTE: reflect_ip(client) can be used only in transparent proxy deployment when the SG is physically inline. (cannot be used with basic WCCP configurations nor in explicit proxy deployment). For instructions on additional WCCP configurations needed to support reflect IP, see the WCCP Configuration Guide.