What does "ERROR: Type:2; Severity:80; Class:1; Subclass:1; Operation: 3" mean during the SSL Visibility SV800 boot process?
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What does "ERROR: Type:2; Severity:80; Class:1; Subclass:1; Operation: 3" mean during the SSL Visibility SV800 boot process?


Article ID: 168996


Updated On:


SSL Visibility Appliance Software SV-800


When the SSL Visibility SV800 appliance is in a boot process, the following error message shows up on the serial console.

admin> platform reboot
Reboot appliance? (enter 'yes' to confirm): yes

* Using makefile-style concurre * Stopping network management services:
* Asking all remaining processes to terminate...                        [ OK ]
* All processes ended within 6 seconds....                              [ OK ]
* Deconfiguring network interfaces...                                   [ OK ]
* Unmounting temporary filesystems...                                   [ OK ]
* Deactivating swap...                                                  [ OK ]
* Unmounting local filesystems...                                       [ OK ]

umount: /var/lock: not mounted
umount: /dev/shm: not mounted
* Will now restart
[  169.345975] Restarting system.
ERROR: Type:2; Severity:80; Class:1; Subclass:1; Operation: 3      <<<<<<<<<< 

                             GNU GRUB  version 1.99

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This message is presented as a POST (Power On Self Test) message by UEFI ( Unified Extensible Firmware Interface). The meaning is "No keyboard detected". You can safely ignore the message.

Because users do not
usually connect a keyboard to the SV800 appliance, this message shows up during POST process.



You can simply ignore this message, or connect a keyboard to the SV800 as a dummy to prevent it.