How do I export the ProxyClient configuration from one ProxySG appliance to another?
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How do I export the ProxyClient configuration from one ProxySG appliance to another?


Article ID: 169015


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Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG ProxySG Software - SGOS


You can view the .xml file for the ProxyClient configuration at:  https://<proxy_ip_address>:8084/proxyclient/ProxyClientConfig.xml. You cannot import the .xml file onto another ProxySG appliance, but you can export the ProxyClient configuration from one ProxySG appliance to another. To export the ProxyClient configuration, you need to archive the ProxyClient configuration you want to export and then install the configuration on another appliance.


To archive the ProxyClient configuration you want to export:

  1. In the Management Console of the ProxySG appliance you want export the configuration from, click Configuration > General > Archive.
  2. From the View File drop-down list, select Configuration - expanded and click View.
  3. Copy all the text from "!- BEGIN proxy_client" to "!- END proxy_client." (Note: The string would not exist if "Client Manager" wasn't enabled on mc - configuration - ProxyClient/Clients - Client Manager)
  4. Paste the text into a text editor and save it.

To install the ProxyClient configuration onto another ProxySG appliance:

  1. In the Management Console of the ProxySG appliance you want to install the configuration on, click Configuration > General > Archive.
  2. From the Install Configuration from drop-down list, select Text Editor and click Install.
  3. Remove the contents that is currently in the Text Editor.
  4. Copy the contents you saved as an archive and paste the contents into the Text Editor.
  5. Click Install.

View the .xml file for the ProxyClient configuration again at https://<proxy_ip_address>:8084/proxyclient/ProxyClientConfig.xml to verify that the configuration that was populated in the .xml file.