Does Symantec Network Protection support third party ICAP clients?
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Does Symantec Network Protection support third party ICAP clients?


Article ID: 169165


Updated On:


ProxyAV Software - AVOS Content Analysis Software - CA Advanced Secure Gateway Software - ASG


Use a Third Party Application to send to CAS


Symantec does not test and support any third party ICAP clients in conjunction with CAS. The only supported ICAP client is ProxySG. Due to the fact that CAS supports standard ICAP (RFC 3507), third party ICAP clients that also support standard ICAP should work together with CAS. In such a deployment, Symantec would still fully support CAS (Symantec software and Symantec hardware) related issues. However Symantec does not support any third party ICAP client related issues (configuration, troubleshooting, etc.).

As long as you agree with the above support conditions, you can deploy CAS with a third party ICAP client.