Cannot log into DCS Java console
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Cannot log into DCS Java console


Article ID: 170017


Updated On:


Critical System Protection Data Center Security Server Data Center Security Server Advanced


Cannot log into Data Center Security Server Java Console.

Login Failed.
SDCSS could not log you on.  Make sure your User name is correct, then type your password again. 


Viewing the console.err log shows the following error message:

java.lang.Exception: Error Code: 300
SQL Code: 3906
Failed to update database "SCSPDB" because the database is read-only.

(Log is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Data Center Security Server\Console)



1. Log into the DCS SQL instance as the SA account (via SQL Management Studio)

2. Expand Databases

3. Right-click the SCSPDB and go to "Properties"

4. Select "Options" in the left column

5. Scroll down to the bottom and change Database Read-Only to False.

6. Click Ok to save the change and Yes to accept the warning that all connections to that DB will be closed.

7. Restart the DCS manager service.

8. Log into the Java console.