Importing or creating a SSL server certificate for Reporter 10.1.5 and 10.2.x
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Importing or creating a SSL server certificate for Reporter 10.1.5 and 10.2.x


Article ID: 170695


Updated On:




How to replace or generate a new SSL certificate for Reporter 10.1.5.x 


Requires 10.1.5 and Later

In order to generate a new default self-signed SSL certificate, you must access the Reporter CLI (Command-Line Interface).

The following command will gernerate the self-signed SSL certificate. 

reporter# security generate-ssl-certificate


Reporter 10.2.x and later, you can now import an SSL server certificate. 

Import a custom SSL for this appliance requires the following details:

A series of openssl commands must be executed for the new certificate prior to download. Use the following openssl commands when utilizing a custom certificate

openssl pkcs12 -export -name defaultcertkey -in <File location of certificate < -inkey <File location of key> -out <PKCS file name> -passout pass:<PKCS file password>.


reporter# security import-server-certificate