Make a test environment from a production environment
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Make a test environment from a production environment


Article ID: 172117


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Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Prevent Data Loss Prevention Network Monitor Data Loss Prevention Enforce


You want to very closely mimic your Symantec Data Loss Prevention (DLP) production environment in a DLP test environment.


Follow the Symantec Data Loss Prevention Maintenance Guide to perform a cold backup of Oracle first.

  • See the "Performing a cold backup of the Oracle database on Windows or Linux" depending on your what system your Oracle database is installed.

Follow from the Maintenance Guide: Creating a new database on Windows or Linux

Steps to follow to fix production (prod) and test environments

  1. Turn off Vontu/Symantec DLP Services on the Prod environment Detection Servers
  2. Bring up Test database
  3. Start services on Test Enforce (Vontu services)
  4. Log into Enforce on Test 
  5. Go to System > Servers and Detectors > Overview
  6. Delete all Prod Detection Servers in Test Enforce
  7. Leave Test up and running
  8. Turn Vontu/Symantec DLP services back on in Prod in the correct order. See below for which order to turn on first based on which version of DLP you are using.
    1.  15.0 and before (For 15.1 and later)
    2. Vontu Notifier (SymantecDLP Notifier)
    3. Vontu Manager (SymantecDLP Manager)
    4. Vontu Incident Persister (SymantecDLP Incident Persister)
    5. Vontu Monitor Controller (SymantecDLP Detection Server Controller)
    6. Vontu Update (No longer used)
    7. Vontu Monitor (SymantecDLP Detection Server) - (if present, depends on Single Tier or not)