7zip file attachment in gmail are not being scanned
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7zip file attachment in gmail are not being scanned


Article ID: 173240


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Network Monitor


7zip file attachment in gmail is not producing incidents 


This is a configuration issue. At times it may be nessessary to change the configuration of the detction server to be able to properly parse messages and get attachments.


On 14.X use the following solution:

  1. Go to the Web Detection server
  2. Browse to the \Protect\Config folder and edit the NonMultipartAttachment.config file
  3. Under the gmail section add the following line:
Host == mail.google.com && Content-Type == application/octet-stream :: HEADERFIELD: X-Goog-Upload-File-Name
  1. Save the config file and restart the vontu services on the server

On 15.x use the following solution:

  1. Download the attached gmail.xml
  2. Place the .xml in the../Protect/config/httpmatcherconfig directory on the detection server
  3. Restart the DLP services.


Note: If using a blocking rule it is normal to see up to four incidents. Each incident comes from gmail retrying to upload the document.


gmail.xml get_app