Manager installation steps for Amazon RDS SQL Server
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Manager installation steps for Amazon RDS SQL Server


Article ID: 173330


Updated On:


Endpoint Protection


This document provides the steps required to install the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) version 14 RU1 MP2 and later versions, using Amazon Web Services (AWS) RDS SQL Server.

The SEPM requires the Microsoft SQL Server Native Client (bcp.exe & sqlcmd) to communicate with the SQL database.

Before installing the SEPM, it is required to install the Microsoft SQL Server Native Client components. The version number of the native client should be the same version number of the SQL Server deployed and used in AWS RDS SQL Server.


  • Supported for SEPM 14 RU1 MP2 and later versions.


  1. Download SEP 14 RU1 MP2 or later.
  2. Download and install the appropriate version of the Microsoft SQL Server Native Client that matches the version of AWS RDS SQL Server on the SEPM machines.
    • To install the SQL Server Native Client, see the Microsoft TechNet page appropriate for your version of SQL Server
  3. Find or search for the file path of "bcp.exe" and document the path for the SQL Server Native Client tools to be used later during SEPM installation.
    • Sample example:  “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\130\Tools\Binn”
  4. Provision and setup the RDS SQL Server instance.
  5. Login and manually create the SEPM database inside the RDS SQL Server instance using KB article: Manually create the Endpoint Protection Manager SQL database
  6. Install the SEPM 14 RU1 MP2 or later using these installation settings, making sure to "use an existing database"
    • Custom configuration for new installation (more than 500 clients, or custom settings)
    • Install my first site
    • Microsoft SQL Server database
    • Use an existing database
    • Complete the Database Server Authentication fields ensuring that the path to the SQL Server client folder is the same path found and documented in Step 3 above.
    • Complete the Existing Database Parameters supplying the DB name, DB user name & password that was created in Step 5 above