AD Import Failure. Task error: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding
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AD Import Failure. Task error: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding


Article ID: 173435


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


The customer is getting the following error while running an AD Import Rule like Role and Account AD Import:

"Task error: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding"


While the Role and Account Rule runs, you may see in the SQL Server Activity Monitor that it has this query as the most intensive one:

OUTPUT deleted.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid, deleted.ParentResourceGuid, deleted.ChildResourceGuid, deleted.CreatedDate
INTO #tmpRADeleted
FROM #ResourceAssociationDelete raTmp
JOIN ResourceAssociation ra with(rowlock,updlock)
ON raTmp.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = ra.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid
AND raTmp.ParentResourceGuid = ra.ParentResourceGuid
AND (raTmp.ChildResourceGuid = ra.ChildResourceGuid OR raTmp.ChildResourceGuid = 0x0 )


Example SMP log entries:

Entry 1:

Processed 46,378 previously known memberships, changes: joins=627, leaves=46249, known=46378, unchanged=29, rule=5e88bf3d-c701-456a-9bd9-7c660715de4f
Date: 1/9/2019 1:31:11.8759608 PM, Tick Count: 364868055 (4.05:21:08.0550000),  Size: 370 B
Process: AeXSvc (1540), Thread ID: 92, Module: AeXSVC.exe
Priority: 4, Source: RoleAccountMembership

Entry 2:

Operation started: Active Directory Import (Full, 'MyDomain' (, resource='Trustee', rule={5E88BF3D-C701-456A-9BD9-7C660715DE4F}) ...
Date: 1/9/2019 1:29:27.1674184 PM, Tick Count: 364763347 (4.05:19:23.3470000),  Size: 374 B
Process: AeXSvc (1540), Thread ID: 92, Module: AeXSVC.exe
Priority: 4, Source: DirectoryImporter

Entry 3:

Accounts removed from roles: detected 46,249, processing.
Date: 1/9/2019 1:31:12.0943636 PM, Tick Count: 364868273 (4.05:21:08.2730000),  Size: 278 B
Process: AeXSvc (1540), Thread ID: 92, Module: AeXSVC.exe
Priority: 8, Source: RoleAccountMembership



ITMS 8.x


There is a performance issue with the resources allocated to the SQL server.


First advice would be to check out SQL performance:

  • Fragmentation
  • Indexes are in place
  • Enough CPU and memory


If you check out some of the quick ‘info’ messages added to 8.x in the SMP log – you may see that the SQL server is quite loaded:







1/9/2019 11:13:05 AM





[app cpu: 12%, ram: 1.62 GB / 6%, uptime: 4.03:01:09.9599101]
[ns cpu: 31%, ram: 10.87 GB / 45%, uptime: 3.22:14:12.6524825]
[sql cpu: 75%, ram: 10.58 GB / 75.6% (Available physical memory is high),
cpu history %: 76 / 73 / 79 / 75 / 64 / 64 / 64 / 68 / 50]
[ns machine: MySMPServer (V), ram: 24.00 GB, cpu: 8x2700Mhz, versions: 8.1.4528.0 / 8.0.2298.0 / 8.0.2298.0 / 8.0.2298.0 / 8.0.2298.0 / 7.5.3153.0 / 7.5.1670.0 / 7.1.8400.0, assembly: 8.1.6243.0]
[sql machine: MySQL01p (V),
ram: 14.00 GB, cpu: 4x1, affinity: 2 (AUTO), version: 10.50.4000.0 / Standard Edition (64-bit) / SP2, trip: 363]
[pc physical: 29161, virtual: 65, managed: 22453, connectivity: 22473, hierarchy: 0, ps: 4, ts: 4]
[fixes: 3561944 7.5 SP1 HF5 , 7.1 SP2 MP1 v6 Inventory, 7.1 SP2 MP1 v6 Patch, 7.1 SP2 MP1 v6 SMP, 7.1 SP2 MP1 v7 Inventory, 7.1 SP2 MP1 v7 SMP, 7.5 SP1 HF5 3639102, NS ULM 7.1 SP2 Mp1 v3]
[.NET 4.0.30319.18444]


As you may see both, the SMP and SQL servers, are Virtual machines. Both servers are much lower on memory and cpu resources than recommended. Please refer to official documents like Getting Started.