CAS / CASMA S400 Power LED flashing AMBER and GREEN also seeing high CPU utilization.
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CAS / CASMA S400 Power LED flashing AMBER and GREEN also seeing high CPU utilization.


Article ID: 173500


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Content Analysis Software - CA CAS-S400


You have Content Analysis (CA) S400 appliance and the front panel Power LED is alternating between AMBER and GREEN light whilst the CPU utilization is high.

You are also running CA version


Flashing AMBER and GREEN light on the front panel on Power LED and high CPU utilization.





The admin guide tells us that this is due to the Initial Configuration Wizard (ICW) not completed but your device is in production and configured.

If you were to check /var/log/clp_alerts inside the troubleshooting log generated on this appliance, you would find a message as below

Jan 20 04:53:53 PA-CAS01 Health monitoring: PROBLEM - PA-CAS01 Metric: CPU Utilization CRITICAL - 99.08%

and in the Web Graphical User Interface (GUI) under "Statistics > CPU/Memory Usage" you would see that the CPU is at 99%.



This behavior is due to  bug#258515 which was fixed in version

The upgrade will fix the cosmetic (false positive) high CPU error however to fix the flashing LED light you have to also redo the ICW. This can be only done via serial console. Once connected press ENTER three times and then choose option 2.

Press ENTER for each configuration to confirm the already existing parameters. Proceed with causing here so you don't accidentally set incorrect parameters. If you make a mistake you can exit the ICW with CTRL+C and the changes won't be written.