Error establishing communication with PsExec service, when DLP endpoint agent is running
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Error establishing communication with PsExec service, when DLP endpoint agent is running


Article ID: 174751


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Prevent


You are trying to run a command using the PsExec app (sysinternals) via a command prompt with the DLP endpoint agent installed, but receive the error below. The problem does not appear when the DLP endpoint agent is disabled.

Error message:



"Error establishing communication with PsExec service on [machinename] :
Access is denied"



PsExec.exe  ver.2.2 or newer (important as the older version can produce a different output in Getappinfo)


The psexec.exe application should be whitelisted in the Enforce console

The configuration below resolves the issue - using only the binary name "PsExec\.exe":