Attempting to view a report on our Reporter we are seeing an anonymization error
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Attempting to view a report on our Reporter we are seeing an anonymization error


Article ID: 174841


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We've logged into our Reporter and are attempting to view a report but we're not able to see all the information available for this report only certain columns are showing data.

Anonymization error

Failed to anonymize, because SSL library '' is not loaded.


This is a permission issue on the Reporter appliance and not an error. The reporter appliance offers the capability of restricting access for particular users so that they may only be able to see certain fields/columns. For example, as an Administrator if I wanted a user Bob to only be able to see site names and not user names under his role permissions I would select the User field in the Anonymize role permission list.



As an administrator with full access to the database we can modify the user's permission and grant them additional access to the column they may need. The example below illustrates how to grant the user access to see the User column.

Connect to the Reporter Management Console in the browser

  1. Click Administration in the upper-right corner
  2. Click General Settings
  3. Expand Access Control > Roles
  4. Using the Arrow down button under the Actions column for the Role you wish to modify select Set Permissions
  5. In the modal window pop-up select the database for which we will be making the changes
  6. In the "Fields to Anonymize:" section uncheck the User field
  7. Click Save to save changes