Can I use a DNS alias for the server name in a UNC path for Package Source in the Symantec Management Console?
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Can I use a DNS alias for the server name in a UNC path for Package Source in the Symantec Management Console?


Article ID: 175029


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


You would like to include a DNS alias for the server name in a UNC path for Package Source.


IT Management Suite (ITMS) 8.0, 8.1, and 8.5


The reason this does not work is because there is a certificate issued for the server.


Test this in a test environment with a self-signed certificate before spending money on a certificate and using in the production environment.

Get a certificate that includes the following:

  • The "Subject" field contains the actual name of the server
  • The "Subject Alternative" name contains the alias of the server.