Error running migration utility - Missing permissions
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Error running migration utility - Missing permissions


Article ID: 175219


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Data Loss Prevention Enforce


  • As part of your DLP environment upgrade, you have migrated your DLP database to a new Oracle server 
  • You have successfully executed the Grant Permissions section of the Upgrade Guide to the database, connecting via SQLPlus
  • You have run the Update Readiness Tool (URT) from the Enforce using a SQLPlus connection and it has completed without errors
  • However, when you execute the Migration Utility you receive an error stating the required permissions are missing on the Oracle database


In the MigrationUtility.log file: 

SEVERE: Missing permissions while checking of oracle database permissions[GRANT WRITE ON DATA_PUMP_DIR TO DLP_OWNER;, GRANT READ ON DATA_PUMP_DIR TO DLP_OWNER;]. executeMigrationActions


Any DLP upgrade that utilizes the migration utility tool. 


  • The URT tool uses the connection information in the TNSNames.ora file to broker the connection to the Oracle DB via SQLPlus.
  • The Migration Utility, however, uses the file (from the older version) for its database connection information.
  • If you have updated the TNSNames.ora to point to the new DB instance, but have forgotten to update the connection string with the same information, the Migration Utility will connect to the old DB and fail. 


Update the file located in the config folder on the Enforce server with the correct information for the new database.