Device Verification in Endpoint Protection Mobile
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Device Verification in Endpoint Protection Mobile


Article ID: 175783


Updated On:


Endpoint Protection Mobile


After installing Endpoint Protection Mobile (SEP Mobile) you must verify the device.





When installing SEP Mobile without a MDM or UEM configuration, the verification code is required.


There are several ways to verify the device after install.

This can be configured from the SEP Mobile Management Console (MC) under Settings>SEP MOBILE APP>Verification Code

By default, SEP Mobile will send the verification code via email, however this can be configured as a single verification code for all devices in the organization instead. This single verification code is regenerated after 30 days. This code is not sent to all users and must be distributed by the organization to their users.

SEP Mobile admins can also verify the device directly from the MC. To do this navigate to Users & Devices>Devices and select the device needing verification. Expand the Device log in the lower-right corner of the screen. If the device has only recently had SEP Mobile installed, one of the only events you'll see will say "Email Sent Device verification". Click on Device Verification.

Once you can see a copy of the device verification email that was sent to the end user, click Complete Verification. The application on the device will now be verified and begin protected the device.