How to reset or change the credential ID for a VIP Administrator?
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How to reset or change the credential ID for a VIP Administrator?


Article ID: 176578


Updated On:


VIP Service


A VIP administrator is no longer able to login to the VIP Manager due to a credential ID change, or the credential is not available.


VIP Manager


Follow the instructions below to change the CredentialID for the VIP manager Administrator account.

  1. Log into VIP Manager with username & password.

  2. Select the Request a temporary security code option. 

  3. A temporary security code will be sent to the registered email address of the administrator.

If the credential ID has changed (i.e. VIP Access was reinstalled, administrator got a new phone, etc.), the VIP administrator will need to complete the following steps after logging in with the temporary security code from the email.

  1. Once logged in, click on the username in the upper right of the VIP Manager above the navigation bar.
  2. Select Manage Profile.
  3. On the profile page click Remove Credential next to the current credential ID.
  4. When prompted to confirm click Remove Credential.
  5. The Credential ID field will now be blank with a Register New Credential option.
  6. Follow the prompts to register a new credential and click Register.​