Error activating agent session 0: Invalid pointer (-2147467261)
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Error activating agent session 0: Invalid pointer (-2147467261)


Article ID: 176664


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


When trying to run the AeXSWDUsrUIWin.exe the error message "Error activating agent session 0: Invalid pointer (-2147467261)" appears. Also in the agent log files the following errors appear:

Launch client UI failed: Invalid pointer (-2147467261)
StartLocalSession: Unable to start user session Class not registered (-2147221164)

The agent appears to be installed and the Altiris Agent service is running.


While checking the Component Services (Administrator Tools > Component Services > Console Root > Component Services > Computer > My Computer), it was noticed that there was a red down pointing arrow on the icon. When trying to "Refresh all components," the following error message appeared:

The server catalog version is not supported. The catalog is either newer or older than this application and a common version for communication does not exist.

A screenshot of this error is shown below:


COM+ was found to be damaged in this environment. You can follow the Microsoft KB Article:315296 - "How to clean up a damaged COM+ catalog"  ( to repair this issue. A rebuild of the operating system may be necessary.

The Altiris Agent must be able to create COM+ objects to access the functions of the system. This allows the agent to communicate affectively with the Notification Server for items such as downloading packages.

Applies To
Notification Server 6.0.6074 SP4
Windows* 2003 Standard