Altiris agent push service failed to send a progress data request to the HTTP server
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Altiris agent push service failed to send a progress data request to the HTTP server


Article ID: 176806


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IT Management Suite


Push method failed to install Altiris Agent. Altiris Agent Install Service is pushed to the machine, but the bootstrap fails to install the agent. Last event received is "Starting Installation Service."


ITMS 7.x, 8.x


Altiris Agent Install Service Log shows the following entries:

Unable to read value from registry key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Altiris\AeXSWDInstSvc\InternetAccessType': The system cannot find the file specified. (80070002) (ASWDInstSvc.cpp line: 6552)

Failed to send a progress data request to the HTTP server.: <ServerFQDN> (80072ee2) (ASWDInstSvc.cpp line: 4477

The error indicates a network communication issue.


The Altiris Agent Install Service is unable to connect and download the Altiris Agent from the Altiris Notification Server.

The problem might be caused by firewall, proxy, or other component blocking, limiting, or rejecting access to the Altiris Agent source.

Check the Altiris Agent Installer Service Log or the registry key HKLM\Software\Altiris\AeXSWDInstSvc\Source URL. Try to access this URL using a Web browser.

It is recommended that you append the <Altiris server name>.domain in the proxy exception list and add the Altiris server in the Internet Explorer's Trusted Sites list.


Specific to a customer case, the error was caused by wrong ISA Server configuration and wrong VLAN ports configuration. Basically, the ISA Server and VLAN rules were configured to allow connection to <altiris server>:80.