Notification Event: "Retrieval of local changed data for replication requested by remote server failed during retrieving data! [reason: USN is mismatched! (the table max USN is larger than the global max USN)]"
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Notification Event: "Retrieval of local changed data for replication requested by remote server failed during retrieving data! [reason: USN is mismatched! (the table max USN is larger than the global max USN)]"


Article ID: 177492


Updated On:


Endpoint Protection


You receive the notification event when trying to replicate "Retrieval of local changed data for replication requested by remote server failed during retrieving data! [reason: USN is mismatched! (the table max USN is larger than the global max USN)]"


  • You see the following entry in the SEPM log, "Retrieval of local changed data for replication requested by remote server failed during retrieving data! [reason: USN is mismatched! (the table max USN is larger than the global max USN)]"
  • Some data is missing or incomplete on one or more replication partners



This error means that the remote partner requesting replication is starting from an update sequence number (USN) which is larger than the Symantec Policy Manager’s (SPM) current max USN. This can occur by restoring the local SPM to an older date, the older SPM database max USN is smaller than the remote partner's last replication USN. Essentially the remote partner wants to continue replication at a point that doesn't exist on the current local database.


To resolve this issue, you'll need to reset the USN value for the local database.

  1. Login to the remote replication partner and go Admin > Servers > Replication Partners.
  2. Delete the replication partner that was showing the error.
  3. Then under replication partners > choose Add Existing Replication Partner
  4. Go through the wizard and fill out the server information.
  5. On the "Specify existing Replication Partner" dialog screen, choose Yes. This will reset the USN value for that server so a full replication will take place.